Peter Gladwin Primary School, Brighton and Hove

Assessing Progress

Teachers are constantly assessing, as they ask questions in lessons, listen to children  and look at work in progress. We place great importance on this style of formative assessment during lessons that supports next steps in learning.

We value mistakes and recognise that this is how we learn – and we make much of ‘good mistakes’ in lessons, encouraging a resilience and positive attitude to meeting challenges and learning from them.

Teachers mark work thoroughly. Marking recognises the positive aspects but it also focusses on the ‘next steps’ for each child. Children are strongly encouraged to enter into a daily dialogue with their teacher about how they have found each day’s task.

We also value summative assessments, where the children are tested against national standards. At the ages of 7 and 11 the children take Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) during the Summer Term of Year 2 and Year 6. The results show their level of achievement in the core subjects as set against national norms. Children in Y1 also take a statutory phonics progress test at the end of the summer term. 

During the Autumn and Spring terms parents are invited to a parent consultation meeting to discuss their child's progress (amongst other things) and, at the end of each school year, teachers write a report on each child. However, we don’t wait if there are concerns: teachers will always contact parents to share worries – and good news!